Posted on Monday, February 22, 2021 04:15 AM
It may not feel like spring, but it’s time to think about gardening and warmer days ahead. Are you looking to add a garden to your new home? Ready to take your harvest to the next level? Make the most of your garden this spring and take advantage of free Whitby in Bloom webinars being held on March 3, 10, 17, 24, April 28 and May 26 via Zoom meeting. Residents are invited to take part in one or all of the following webinars to hear tips and tricks from experienced gardeners.
Beginner Gardening...
Posted on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 07:37 AM
The Town would like to remind residents that the first instalment of the 2021 Interim Tax Billing is due on Monday, February 22, 2021. This billing applies to all residential, farmland, pipeline and managed forest properties.
The interim tax bills were mailed to property owners the last week of January 2021. If you did not receive a tax bill and you are responsible for payment, please contact the Tax Division at 905.430.4304 or email to obtain the necessary information.
Please note...
Posted on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 06:39 AM
Does your family enjoy rollerblading, or cycling on Whitby’s trails? Have you ever walked to a corner store or to school? Do you go cross-country skiing or running for fun? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are participating in active transportation. Active transportation is human-powered mobility.
Have Your Say on the Future of Active Transportation in WhitbyNow through March 15, residents are invited to register for Connect Whitby to view and comment on the Town’s draft Active...
Posted on Friday, February 12, 2021 08:33 AM
On Monday, March 8, 2021, the Town of Whitby will hold a public meeting about its proposed development charge rates and policies. The proposed development charges by-laws and rates will come into effect following approval at a date determined by Council.
Ahead of the public meeting, a copy of the 2021 Development Charges Background Study will be available for review online at by Monday, February 22, 2021.
Development Charge Background StudyDevelopment charges are...
Posted on Monday, February 08, 2021 04:59 AM
The Top 5 Ways to Celebrate Family Day - the Whitby Way
Whitby is bringing fun and interactive Family Day experiences to you and your family. On Monday, February 15, gather the family members you live with and celebrate together in new ways.
Keep the kids entertained and make memories with one (or all five) of the following activities:
Family Day Neighbourhood Scavenger HuntEnjoy an outdoor scavenger hunt in your neighbourhood. The easiest way to participate is to open the scavenger hunt on your...
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