Posted on Wednesday, November 08, 2023 02:46 AM
While the CUPE Local 53 Full-time strike action continues, the Town is working to expand its service delivery further to meet the needs of the community. This includes gradually reopening recreational facilities, including for organized sports; resuming Council meetings; and offering yard waste drop-off and yard waste curbside collection.
Here’s what you need to know: Recreation FacilitiesThe Town is gradually reopening its recreational facilities and programs. As a first step, figure skating...
Posted on Tuesday, November 07, 2023 07:40 AM
Yesterday Whitby Council met to receive a status update on bargaining between the Town of Whitby and CUPE 53.
The two sides will be meeting Nov. 10 and 11 with support from an expert mediator.
I am optimistic that this will move us closer to an agreement, and that this can be achieved without political interference from Council.
The Town’s bargaining team recently made additional changes to the Town’s offer in an attempt to get a resolution.
This includes grandfathering all current employees who...
Posted on Monday, November 06, 2023 09:47 AM
“I was devasted to learn about the death of a 34-year-old woman in Whitby on Saturday, Nov. 4. According to police, a 33-year-old man has been charged with second-degree murder.
Durham Regional Police Service has shared information about Domestic Violence Awareness Month in November in response to this tragic incident.
Earlier this year, Whitby Council approved a motion calling on the Region of Durham and the Province to declare an intimate partner violence epidemic.
This motion was moved in...
Posted on Friday, November 03, 2023 09:33 AM
The Town of Whitby is proud to support its two local Legions: Brooklin Legion Branch 152 and Whitby Legion Branch 112. Here are just a few of the ways you can pay tribute to our veterans and active service members this month:
1: Attend a ceremony on November 11 at 11 a.m. There are three locations to choose from:Posted on Friday, November 03, 2023 05:36 AM
Whitby Chief Administrative Officer Matt Gaskell has issued the following statement on the status of bargaining with CUPE Local 53 Full-time:
Bargaining continued with CUPE Local 53 Full-time this week. Unfortunately, talks broke down after the Town tabled our last offer that included changes aimed at finding a resolution that will end this strike.
Our latest offer made changes to ensure zero impact on any current employee in their current position. Respecting CUPE’s concerns regarding work life...
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