Land division, also known as Land Severance or Consent, is the division of land to create new parcels of land. Land Division may also include boundary readjustments and the registration of easements. If you're planning to divide a parcel of land into three or more lots, you'll need to submit a Plan of Subdivision at the discretion of the Town.
The Town is accepting digital Application submissions. Please complete the Application for a Land Severance or Consent and submit it by email.
The Town is also accepting hard copy submissions of Application for Minor Variance which should be submitted by mail to:
Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department
575 Rossland Rd E
Whitby, ON L1N 2M8
The Committee of Adjustment is the approval authority for all severance applications in the Town of Whitby. However, the Town reviews all applications to ensure they conform to the Official Plan, and comply with the Zoning By-law and any other municipal standards.
Please contact us for more information about the requirements for land division in the Town of Whitby.
Please contact the Planning and Development Department for any questions regarding the application process.
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